Psycho Digest (Digestive)
Psycho Digest nine plants distilled to treat digestive problems
About product
Psycho Digest herbal distilled is a combination of 9 different medicinal plants: Aloysia triphlla, Citrus aurantium, Echium amoenum, Melissa officinalis, Lavandula stoechas, Valeriana officinalis, Viola odorata, Cinnamomum zelanic and Salix alba. All of them have therapeutic properties to treat digestive problems.
Product features
- - Depression treatment
- - Anxiety treatment
- - Alzheimer's treatment
- - Relieve stress
- - Memory Improvement
- - Parkinson's treatment
- - Obsessive compulsive disorder treatment
Product licenses and honors
- - Patent number: 94505 in: 2017-12-27
- - Validated with number 56533 by the ferdowsi university in date of 2018-01-23
- - License of food and administration: 35/ظ/1147
- - Registration number: 6629
- - Operation license: 11002
Description for clients
Psycho Digest herbal distilled is a combination of 9 different medicinal plants: Aloysia triphlla, Citrus aurantium, Echium amoenum, Melissa officinalis, Lavandula stoechas, Valeriana officinalis, Viola odorata, Cinnamomum zelanic and Salix alba. All of them have therapeutic properties to treat digestive problem. Psycho Digest has been produced by Parsiteb company.
Gastrointestinal diseases are very directly related to the type of nutrition. With the machinations of societies, changing food styles, fast foods and etc. Even the doctors believe that these changing can cause some health problems like cancers. Using herbal medicines, including Psycho Digest with antioxidant properties, neutralize free radicals help to control digestive problems.
Psycho Digest herbal distilled is a combination of 9 different medicinal plants. It is effective to treat digestive diseases.
Other usages of this product are following: Ulcer treatment, anti-inflammatory, anti-crown, treatment for ulcerative colitis, anorexia and constipation treatment.
The usage of this product is 80-100 ml per day and 2 hours before lunch. The best time to use it at the height of thirst (the thirstier patient can absorb the product more). It should be noted that the duration of using Psycho Digest and achieve a complete result depends on the duration of the person's diseases, the presence or absence of other diseases, the age of the patient, the degree of observance and the extent of the disease. In general, for a moderate level of diseases, the period is one month. This product is not recommended for people with constipation.
Description for physicians
Nowadays, our community is involved in medicine abuse, and unfortunately, accurate statistics are not available. The health and safety hazards that chemical medicine create is as distracting as a slight change in the amount or use of this product can lead to many problems. Due to the excessive consumption of chemical medicines, including dicofenac, broffen, indiosite, aspirin, etc., digestive problems are increasing.
Psycho Digest herbal distilled is a combination of 9 different medicinal plants: Aloysia triphlla, Citrus aurantium, Echium amoenum, Melissa officinalis, Lavandula stoechas, Valeriana officinalis, Viola odorata, Cinnamomum zelanic and Salix alba. All of them have therapeutic properties to treat digestive problem. Psycho Digest has been produced by Parsiteb company.
Each ml of Psycho Digest contains valerat, citronellal, limonene, violet, Sallicin, linalylacetat, linalool and cinnamaldehyde (It should be noted that this component is an essential component of these plant that is effective in the treatment of digestive diseases).
Application of this product are following: Ulcer treatment, anti-inflammatory, anti-crown, treatment for ulcerative colitis, anorexia and constipation treatment.
The early stages of the clinical tests were conducted in a pilot experiment. For this purpose the product was used as a supplement in the diet of patients. So, repeatedly checked the positive effects of the product on patients with digestive problems. The results have shown that in 80% of the people who were considered as clinical community, taking this diet disrupted the symptoms of the disease. The minimum performance of this product for other people has been to prevent the progression of digestive disease.
The usage of this product is 80-100 ml per day and 2 hours before lunch. The best time to use it at the height of thirst (the thirstier patient can absorb the product more). It should be noted that the duration of using Psycho Digest and achieve a complete result depends on the duration of the person's diseases, the presence or absence of other diseases, the age of the patient, the degree of observance and the extent of the disease. In general, for a moderate level of diseases, the period is one month. This product is not recommended for people with constipation.
Pharmacological effects of Psycho Digest (9 medicinal plants)
Gastric ulcer
Gastric ulcer is a global issue. Pathophysiology is the imbalance between some factors (acid, pepsin and heliotobacter pylori), and immune factors (mucus, prostaglandins, biocides, nitric acid, and growth hormone) (Singh et al, 2010). The gastric mucosa contains large quantities of prostaglandin. These arachidonic acid metabolites regulate the release of bicarbonate and mucus, also inhibit secretion of the inactive cells. On the other hand, they are important for the mucosal circulation and for the restoration of epithelial cells (Quirantes-pine et al, 2009). The compounds present in the Psycho Digest may stimulate the physiological system by increasing the secretion of bicarbonate, alkalizing the gastric environment, neutralizing the excess acid, and increase pH.
The combination of verbosaccoside reduces the gastrin secretion and acid secretion from the interstitial cells and its anti-secretion effects on gastrin are depend on H + -K + ATPase pump inhibition (Singh et al, 2010).
Polyphenolic compounds such as tannin and flavonoids have protective effects on gastric mucus (Gonzales, 2000). Flavonoids, having antioxidant properties, neutralize free radicals and help inhibition of ulcers. On the other hand, lipolysis inhibition prevents penetration of the necrotic agent to gastric mucus (Alarcon, 1994; Alvarez, 1999; Reyes, 1996). It also repels deep-necrosis ulcers and prevents widespread lamination of the epithelium (Paola et al., 2011). -Flavonoids have a wide range of pharmacological effects, such as preventing the oxidation of low molecular weight lipoproteins, preventing platelet aggregation, and the stability of immune cells, thus, in the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders, viral infections, swelling and gastric ulcers (Ghassemi Dehkordi, 1997). One of the compounds in Psycho Digest is mucilage. The pectin mucilage protective layer can eliminate deep necrotic ulcers and prevent the widespread lamination of the epithelium (Meshkatalsadat et al, 2011). One of the other medicinal properties of mucilage is their anti-burning properties. These compounds provide a delicate protective layer on the stomach membrane and prevent the effects of irritating agents on the stomach surface. Therefore, they are used to treat gastrointestinal ulcers and mucous membrane infections (Tyler, 1982).
Tannins, due to their limitations, are used digestive hemorrhages, which in this case precipitate with surface-layer proteins and restore the underlying tissue. Vitamin C presented in Psycho Digest prevents free radicals as antioxidants. Changes in gastric motility play an important role in wound spreading or inhibition. Smooth muscle expansion is a protective factor for mucus. This expansion causes the opening of the gastric mucus and increases the extent of the stimulation site and the effect of acid on the mucus decreases (Funes et al, 2009).
One of the effects of this medicine is its anti-ulcer effect, which is probably due to the protective role of acid and pepsin. It prevents the release of hydrogen ion by creating a viscous protective layer. This layer prevents the effect of acid on the gastric mucosa and is effective in treating stomach ulcers.
The compounds in the medicine can release endogenous secretin, which is a type of gastrointestinal agent. Also, the pacemaker, with its mechanism of increasing glycoprotein and suppressing the activation of pepsinogen, has its therapeutic effects to treat gastric ulcer. The compounds presented in this product increase the level of myosin and glutathione and reduce the amount of histamine in the stomach, resulting in a significant protection against gastrointestinal ulcers (El-Dakhakhny et al, 2000).
Anti-inflammatory Intestine effects
Inflammation of the intestine is an inflammatory disease due to overactive oxygenation (O2). Polyphenols are the main ingredients with anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory properties and play an important role in preventing inflammation of the intestine. The compounds presented in Psycho Digest regulate the immune system's responses by boosting the system and modulating inflammation caused by pathogens and preventing the production of inflammatory cytokines (Brenner, 2009). Verbaccoside (combining glycoside phenylpropanoid), eliminating free radicals and inhibiting lipid peroxidation.
The nerve protecting mechanism of verboscoside in this product is effective in regulating the digestive factors and regulating gene expression, which reduces the receptors associated with inflammation (Esposito et al, 2010). Gamma Linolinic Acid (GLA) is an unsaturated fatty acid found in violet flowers. GLA is metabolized to dihomogammalinolenic acid a prostaglandin prodrug with anti-inflammatory properties and immune regulation. Increasing the use of GLA through the activation of the 15-hydroxyl derivative blocks the conversion of arachidonic to the lucatory and acts as a competitive inhibitor of PGE2 and LTS, thus inhibiting inflammation (Belch et al, 2000).
Anti-Crohn's effects
Crohn's disease is an inflammatory intestine disease that can affect the various parts of the gastrointestinal tract from the mouth to the anus. This disease can affect all layers of the intestine and even cause fibrosis. There is a close correlation between Crohn's disease and the nervous system, because members of the body and the brain are in direct communication, emotional stress can affect the symptoms of Crohn's disease or any other chronic disease, and it is evident that during these nervous pressures these reactions Intensifies. Therefore, considering the effects of Psycho Digest, it can also be helpful in improving the nervous system in the treatment of this disease. The mechanism of the effect of depression and anxiety on the gastrointestinal tract with the release of cortisol from hormone stress causes the digestive tract to stop. As the digestive tract of food and toxins enter the circulatory stream through intestinal leakage, it is invaded by the immune system, thereby releasing cytokines and ultimately causing inflammation and swelling in various parts of the digestive system.
Researches have also shown that E. coli is associated with Crohn's disease. Therefore, in view of the positive effects of the active ingredients in the Psycho Digest. It can use to control bacterial digestive systems.
Wounded colitis (ulcerative colitis)
It is a form of inflammatory intestine disease, especially the large intestine, including the retrograde (colon) and rectum (rectum). The main cause of the disease seems to be bacteria and viruses. Stress and living in urban environments can also exacerbate the disease. Due to the antibacterial and viral effects of Psycho Digest, its positive effect on stress and anxiety has a significant role in reducing the effects of ulcerative colitis. It also reduces immune responses, and the effect on metabolism and lowering blood glucose can improve the course of the disease. The amount of vitamin C in this product combinations reduces the amount of adrenal corticosteroid hormones that make the digestive and immune system week. On the other hand, vitamin C protects lymphoid tissues due to its antioxidant properties and improves the immune system by increasing their effectiveness (Kasapidou, 2014). The compounds in the medicine reduce inflammation, which seems to control inflammation by reducing the pathways of arachidonic acid in the pathway for lipoxygenase, as well as inhibiting the cyclooxygenase pathway and reducing the production of prostaglandin in the colon.
Gastrointestinal infections
Intestinal viruses, especially human neuroviruses, are the most important cause of food-borne diseases in developed. Researchers believe that the compounds contained in the cinnam aldehyde essential oil used in the Psycho Digest, through the inactivation of bacteriophage T4, reduced the incidence of gastrointestinal infections caused by the consumption of food contaminated with neuro viruses (Azizkhani, 2016).
Hydroxy Cinnamaldehyde inhibits the production of nitric oxide by pro-inflammatory -nf kappaβ in its compounds, which can be used to treat inflammatory bowel and stomach infections. Psycho Digest has anti-microbial, antioxidant, anti-phungal and antiprotozoan effects. Anti-microbial effects of the compounds present in this product against pseudomonas aeruginosa, enterococcal faecalis, staphylococcus aureus, salivary epidermal taphylococcus, vibrio parahyeloticus caused by the effect of cinnam aldehyde (Makobongo, 2014). The components of cinnam aldehyde, ovignol and various trences in the Psycho Digest have antibacterial properties against Helicobacter pylori and are effective in the treatment of patients with gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer and gastric cancer (Shafaghi, 2005).
Gastrointestinal diseases associated with the nervous system
Phenolic compounds (phenolic acids and flavonoids) naturally have a reactive antioxidant activity (oxidation-reduction), as well as iron chelating agents. Also, the active ingredients of cinnamaldehyde, gamma agglutinum, estrogen azogol, ergo-trypenol, campanecistrol, Epicatechin, corridine, cirrhizic acid, cyamic acid, coumarin and vanillic acid decrease the concentration of local oxygen by neutralizing single oxidants. The intermediate metal ions and their combined catalyst are disrupted, in the polar phase and lipid phase, they can eliminate the free radicals of the initiator and stop the chain reactions (Suhaj, 2006). They are also capable of recycling alpha-Tocopherol from lipoprotein particles into a two-layer membrane and converting it into an active antioxidant form. On the other hand, they can inhibit many oxidizing enzymes (Dorman, 2003). Therefore, it is useful in treating gastrointestinal problems caused by nerve disorders.
Gastrointestinal system (Enteric nervous system)
The semi-autonomic face acts directly on smooth muscles, endovascular cells and blood vessels, and facilitates serotonin-associated secretions and movements. Serotonin is effective in regulating gut and intestinal secretions. 95% of the total serotonin is in the gastrointestinal tract and about 5% in the brain (Longstreth, 2006). Serotonin is primarily released by enterochemophilic cells and, to a lesser extent, by nerve cells and mast cells (Longstreth, 2006). Serotonin is primarily released by enterochemophilic cells and, to a lesser extent, by nerve cells and mast cells. The stimulation of the inner part of the endoplasmic network facilitates the release of serotonin and activates the peristaltic reflexes. Following the movement of some of the contents within the endoplasmic network of the intestine, the release of serotonin begins and activates the neurons in the intestine. These neurons synopticize with the internal neurons in the neural network before the mucus. The occurrence of a messenger cascade facilitates the contraction of the smooth muscle of the closure of the contents of the intestine and ultimately the return of the muscles located at the far end, to calm down. Therefore, the contents of the intestine go forward one-sidedly and digestive problems are resolved. On the other hand, compounds in this medicine such as violet and valyotriampolamide, as mentioned, contribute significantly to the reduction of stress given the fact that under severe stressful conditions, serotonin levels decrease (Halford, 2003). Therefore, with the use of medication and increased serotonin levels, the risk of digestive diseases also decreases.
Constipation treatment
Constipation is not a disease, but it can be a sign of different causes. This condition can be a hereditary or endocrine disorder, or nervous system diseases, colon diseases, or the effects of medicines and toxins. Reducing the movement of the colon, reducing the frequency of bowel movements, decreasing the volume of stool and increasing its stiffness will definitely cause constipation. Constipation also occurs due to stool depletion that persists for a long time in the colon. The mucilage present in the Psycho Digest causes the water and electrolytes to accumulate in the colon space as a result of the intestinal movements. These compounds increase the permeability of the mucus and thereby allow water to penetrate through the pores. Another effect of this product is due to the presence of other active metabolites and crocosomes called rhine-antenna in the large intestine, which affects the lower parts of the large intestine. After use the Psycho Digest and absorbing it by the digestive system, free active anthraquinones are secreted in the large intestine. Due to the performance of these compounds, the absorption of water and electrolytes from the large intestine decreases and the volume and pressure of the contents of the intestine increases. This mode stimulates the movement of the large intestine and causes ejaculation and exfoliation (Laitinen, 2007).
Alarcon, G., C. N. Guy, C. D. Binnie, S. R. Walker, R. D. Elwes, and C. E. Polkey. "Intracerebral propagation of interictal activity in partial epilepsy: implications for source localisation." Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry 57, no. 4 (1994): 435-449.
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Brenner, Hermann, Dietrich Rothenbacher, and Volker Arndt. "Epidemiology of stomach cancer." Cancer Epidemiology: Modifiable Factors (2009): 467-477.
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Tyler, Tom R., and Renee Weber. "Support for the death penalty; instrumental response to crime, or symbolic attitude?." Law and Society Review (1982): 21-45.
Description for resellers
Psycho Digest herbal distilled is a combination of 9 different medicinal plants: Aloysia triphlla, Citrus aurantium, Echium amoenum, Melissa officinalis, Lavandula stoechas, Valeriana officinalis, Viola odorata, Cinnamomum zelanic and Salix alba. All of them have therapeutic properties to treat digestive problem. Psycho Digest has been produced by Parsiteb company.
Each ml of Psycho Digest contains valerat, citronellal, limonene, violet, Sallicin, Linalylacetat, Linalool and cinnamaldehyde (It should be noted that this component is an essential component of these plant that is effective in the treatment of digestive diseases).
Applications of this herbal distilled are following:
Ulcer treatment, anti-inflammatory, anti-crown, treatment for ulcerative colitis, anorexia and constipation treatment.
The early stages of the clinical tests were conducted in a pilot experiment. For this purpose the product was used as a supplement in the diet of patients. So, repeatedly checked the positive effects of the product on patients with digestive problems. The results have shown that in 80% of the people who were considered as clinical community, taking this diet disrupted the symptoms of the disease. The minimum performance of this product for other people has been to prevent the progression of digestive problems.
The usage of this product is 80-100 ml per day and 2 hours before lunch. The best time to use it at the height of thirst (the thirstier patient can absorb the product more). It should be noted that the duration of using Psycho Digest and achieve a complete result depends on the duration of the person's diseases, the presence or absence of other diseases, the age of the patient, the degree of observance and the extent of the disease. In general, for a moderate level of diseases, the period is one month. This product is not recommended for people with constipation.
Description for clients
Psycho Digest herbal distilled is a combination of 9 different medicinal plants: Aloysia triphlla, Citrus aurantium, Echium amoenum, Melissa officinalis, Lavandula stoechas, Valeriana officinalis, Viola odorata, Cinnamomum zelanic and Salix alba. All of them have therapeutic properties to treat digestive problem. Psycho Digest has been produced by Parsiteb company.
Gastrointestinal diseases are very directly related to the type of nutrition. With the machinations of societies, changing food styles, fast foods and etc. Even the doctors believe that these changing can cause some health problems like cancers. Using herbal medicines, including Psycho Digest with antioxidant properties, neutralize free radicals help to control digestive problems.
Psycho Digest herbal distilled is a combination of 9 different medicinal plants. It is effective to treat digestive diseases.
Other usages of this product are following: Ulcer treatment, anti-inflammatory, anti-crown, treatment for ulcerative colitis, anorexia and constipation treatment.
The usage of this product is 80-100 ml per day and 2 hours before lunch. The best time to use it at the height of thirst (the thirstier patient can absorb the product more). It should be noted that the duration of using Psycho Digest and achieve a complete result depends on the duration of the person's diseases, the presence or absence of other diseases, the age of the patient, the degree of observance and the extent of the disease. In general, for a moderate level of diseases, the period is one month. This product is not recommended for people with constipation.
Description for physicians
Nowadays, our community is involved in medicine abuse, and unfortunately, accurate statistics are not available. The health and safety hazards that chemical medicine create is as distracting as a slight change in the amount or use of this product can lead to many problems. Due to the excessive consumption of chemical medicines, including dicofenac, broffen, indiosite, aspirin, etc., digestive problems are increasing.
Psycho Digest herbal distilled is a combination of 9 different medicinal plants: Aloysia triphlla, Citrus aurantium, Echium amoenum, Melissa officinalis, Lavandula stoechas, Valeriana officinalis, Viola odorata, Cinnamomum zelanic and Salix alba. All of them have therapeutic properties to treat digestive problem. Psycho Digest has been produced by Parsiteb company.
Each ml of Psycho Digest contains valerat, citronellal, limonene, violet, Sallicin, linalylacetat, linalool and cinnamaldehyde (It should be noted that this component is an essential component of these plant that is effective in the treatment of digestive diseases).
Application of this product are following: Ulcer treatment, anti-inflammatory, anti-crown, treatment for ulcerative colitis, anorexia and constipation treatment.
The early stages of the clinical tests were conducted in a pilot experiment. For this purpose the product was used as a supplement in the diet of patients. So, repeatedly checked the positive effects of the product on patients with digestive problems. The results have shown that in 80% of the people who were considered as clinical community, taking this diet disrupted the symptoms of the disease. The minimum performance of this product for other people has been to prevent the progression of digestive disease.
The usage of this product is 80-100 ml per day and 2 hours before lunch. The best time to use it at the height of thirst (the thirstier patient can absorb the product more). It should be noted that the duration of using Psycho Digest and achieve a complete result depends on the duration of the person's diseases, the presence or absence of other diseases, the age of the patient, the degree of observance and the extent of the disease. In general, for a moderate level of diseases, the period is one month. This product is not recommended for people with constipation.
Pharmacological effects of Psycho Digest (9 medicinal plants)
Gastric ulcer
Gastric ulcer is a global issue. Pathophysiology is the imbalance between some factors (acid, pepsin and heliotobacter pylori), and immune factors (mucus, prostaglandins, biocides, nitric acid, and growth hormone) (Singh et al, 2010). The gastric mucosa contains large quantities of prostaglandin. These arachidonic acid metabolites regulate the release of bicarbonate and mucus, also inhibit secretion of the inactive cells. On the other hand, they are important for the mucosal circulation and for the restoration of epithelial cells (Quirantes-pine et al, 2009). The compounds present in the Psycho Digest may stimulate the physiological system by increasing the secretion of bicarbonate, alkalizing the gastric environment, neutralizing the excess acid, and increase pH.
The combination of verbosaccoside reduces the gastrin secretion and acid secretion from the interstitial cells and its anti-secretion effects on gastrin are depend on H + -K + ATPase pump inhibition (Singh et al, 2010).
Polyphenolic compounds such as tannin and flavonoids have protective effects on gastric mucus (Gonzales, 2000). Flavonoids, having antioxidant properties, neutralize free radicals and help inhibition of ulcers. On the other hand, lipolysis inhibition prevents penetration of the necrotic agent to gastric mucus (Alarcon, 1994; Alvarez, 1999; Reyes, 1996). It also repels deep-necrosis ulcers and prevents widespread lamination of the epithelium (Paola et al., 2011). -Flavonoids have a wide range of pharmacological effects, such as preventing the oxidation of low molecular weight lipoproteins, preventing platelet aggregation, and the stability of immune cells, thus, in the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders, viral infections, swelling and gastric ulcers (Ghassemi Dehkordi, 1997). One of the compounds in Psycho Digest is mucilage. The pectin mucilage protective layer can eliminate deep necrotic ulcers and prevent the widespread lamination of the epithelium (Meshkatalsadat et al, 2011). One of the other medicinal properties of mucilage is their anti-burning properties. These compounds provide a delicate protective layer on the stomach membrane and prevent the effects of irritating agents on the stomach surface. Therefore, they are used to treat gastrointestinal ulcers and mucous membrane infections (Tyler, 1982).
Tannins, due to their limitations, are used digestive hemorrhages, which in this case precipitate with surface-layer proteins and restore the underlying tissue. Vitamin C presented in Psycho Digest prevents free radicals as antioxidants. Changes in gastric motility play an important role in wound spreading or inhibition. Smooth muscle expansion is a protective factor for mucus. This expansion causes the opening of the gastric mucus and increases the extent of the stimulation site and the effect of acid on the mucus decreases (Funes et al, 2009).
One of the effects of this medicine is its anti-ulcer effect, which is probably due to the protective role of acid and pepsin. It prevents the release of hydrogen ion by creating a viscous protective layer. This layer prevents the effect of acid on the gastric mucosa and is effective in treating stomach ulcers.
The compounds in the medicine can release endogenous secretin, which is a type of gastrointestinal agent. Also, the pacemaker, with its mechanism of increasing glycoprotein and suppressing the activation of pepsinogen, has its therapeutic effects to treat gastric ulcer. The compounds presented in this product increase the level of myosin and glutathione and reduce the amount of histamine in the stomach, resulting in a significant protection against gastrointestinal ulcers (El-Dakhakhny et al, 2000).
Anti-inflammatory Intestine effects
Inflammation of the intestine is an inflammatory disease due to overactive oxygenation (O2). Polyphenols are the main ingredients with anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory properties and play an important role in preventing inflammation of the intestine. The compounds presented in Psycho Digest regulate the immune system's responses by boosting the system and modulating inflammation caused by pathogens and preventing the production of inflammatory cytokines (Brenner, 2009). Verbaccoside (combining glycoside phenylpropanoid), eliminating free radicals and inhibiting lipid peroxidation.
The nerve protecting mechanism of verboscoside in this product is effective in regulating the digestive factors and regulating gene expression, which reduces the receptors associated with inflammation (Esposito et al, 2010). Gamma Linolinic Acid (GLA) is an unsaturated fatty acid found in violet flowers. GLA is metabolized to dihomogammalinolenic acid a prostaglandin prodrug with anti-inflammatory properties and immune regulation. Increasing the use of GLA through the activation of the 15-hydroxyl derivative blocks the conversion of arachidonic to the lucatory and acts as a competitive inhibitor of PGE2 and LTS, thus inhibiting inflammation (Belch et al, 2000).
Anti-Crohn's effects
Crohn's disease is an inflammatory intestine disease that can affect the various parts of the gastrointestinal tract from the mouth to the anus. This disease can affect all layers of the intestine and even cause fibrosis. There is a close correlation between Crohn's disease and the nervous system, because members of the body and the brain are in direct communication, emotional stress can affect the symptoms of Crohn's disease or any other chronic disease, and it is evident that during these nervous pressures these reactions Intensifies. Therefore, considering the effects of Psycho Digest, it can also be helpful in improving the nervous system in the treatment of this disease. The mechanism of the effect of depression and anxiety on the gastrointestinal tract with the release of cortisol from hormone stress causes the digestive tract to stop. As the digestive tract of food and toxins enter the circulatory stream through intestinal leakage, it is invaded by the immune system, thereby releasing cytokines and ultimately causing inflammation and swelling in various parts of the digestive system.
Researches have also shown that E. coli is associated with Crohn's disease. Therefore, in view of the positive effects of the active ingredients in the Psycho Digest. It can use to control bacterial digestive systems.
Wounded colitis (ulcerative colitis)
It is a form of inflammatory intestine disease, especially the large intestine, including the retrograde (colon) and rectum (rectum). The main cause of the disease seems to be bacteria and viruses. Stress and living in urban environments can also exacerbate the disease. Due to the antibacterial and viral effects of Psycho Digest, its positive effect on stress and anxiety has a significant role in reducing the effects of ulcerative colitis. It also reduces immune responses, and the effect on metabolism and lowering blood glucose can improve the course of the disease. The amount of vitamin C in this product combinations reduces the amount of adrenal corticosteroid hormones that make the digestive and immune system week. On the other hand, vitamin C protects lymphoid tissues due to its antioxidant properties and improves the immune system by increasing their effectiveness (Kasapidou, 2014). The compounds in the medicine reduce inflammation, which seems to control inflammation by reducing the pathways of arachidonic acid in the pathway for lipoxygenase, as well as inhibiting the cyclooxygenase pathway and reducing the production of prostaglandin in the colon.
Gastrointestinal infections
Intestinal viruses, especially human neuroviruses, are the most important cause of food-borne diseases in developed. Researchers believe that the compounds contained in the cinnam aldehyde essential oil used in the Psycho Digest, through the inactivation of bacteriophage T4, reduced the incidence of gastrointestinal infections caused by the consumption of food contaminated with neuro viruses (Azizkhani, 2016).
Hydroxy Cinnamaldehyde inhibits the production of nitric oxide by pro-inflammatory -nf kappaβ in its compounds, which can be used to treat inflammatory bowel and stomach infections. Psycho Digest has anti-microbial, antioxidant, anti-phungal and antiprotozoan effects. Anti-microbial effects of the compounds present in this product against pseudomonas aeruginosa, enterococcal faecalis, staphylococcus aureus, salivary epidermal taphylococcus, vibrio parahyeloticus caused by the effect of cinnam aldehyde (Makobongo, 2014). The components of cinnam aldehyde, ovignol and various trences in the Psycho Digest have antibacterial properties against Helicobacter pylori and are effective in the treatment of patients with gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer and gastric cancer (Shafaghi, 2005).
Gastrointestinal diseases associated with the nervous system
Phenolic compounds (phenolic acids and flavonoids) naturally have a reactive antioxidant activity (oxidation-reduction), as well as iron chelating agents. Also, the active ingredients of cinnamaldehyde, gamma agglutinum, estrogen azogol, ergo-trypenol, campanecistrol, Epicatechin, corridine, cirrhizic acid, cyamic acid, coumarin and vanillic acid decrease the concentration of local oxygen by neutralizing single oxidants. The intermediate metal ions and their combined catalyst are disrupted, in the polar phase and lipid phase, they can eliminate the free radicals of the initiator and stop the chain reactions (Suhaj, 2006). They are also capable of recycling alpha-Tocopherol from lipoprotein particles into a two-layer membrane and converting it into an active antioxidant form. On the other hand, they can inhibit many oxidizing enzymes (Dorman, 2003). Therefore, it is useful in treating gastrointestinal problems caused by nerve disorders.
Gastrointestinal system (Enteric nervous system)
The semi-autonomic face acts directly on smooth muscles, endovascular cells and blood vessels, and facilitates serotonin-associated secretions and movements. Serotonin is effective in regulating gut and intestinal secretions. 95% of the total serotonin is in the gastrointestinal tract and about 5% in the brain (Longstreth, 2006). Serotonin is primarily released by enterochemophilic cells and, to a lesser extent, by nerve cells and mast cells (Longstreth, 2006). Serotonin is primarily released by enterochemophilic cells and, to a lesser extent, by nerve cells and mast cells. The stimulation of the inner part of the endoplasmic network facilitates the release of serotonin and activates the peristaltic reflexes. Following the movement of some of the contents within the endoplasmic network of the intestine, the release of serotonin begins and activates the neurons in the intestine. These neurons synopticize with the internal neurons in the neural network before the mucus. The occurrence of a messenger cascade facilitates the contraction of the smooth muscle of the closure of the contents of the intestine and ultimately the return of the muscles located at the far end, to calm down. Therefore, the contents of the intestine go forward one-sidedly and digestive problems are resolved. On the other hand, compounds in this medicine such as violet and valyotriampolamide, as mentioned, contribute significantly to the reduction of stress given the fact that under severe stressful conditions, serotonin levels decrease (Halford, 2003). Therefore, with the use of medication and increased serotonin levels, the risk of digestive diseases also decreases.
Constipation treatment
Constipation is not a disease, but it can be a sign of different causes. This condition can be a hereditary or endocrine disorder, or nervous system diseases, colon diseases, or the effects of medicines and toxins. Reducing the movement of the colon, reducing the frequency of bowel movements, decreasing the volume of stool and increasing its stiffness will definitely cause constipation. Constipation also occurs due to stool depletion that persists for a long time in the colon. The mucilage present in the Psycho Digest causes the water and electrolytes to accumulate in the colon space as a result of the intestinal movements. These compounds increase the permeability of the mucus and thereby allow water to penetrate through the pores. Another effect of this product is due to the presence of other active metabolites and crocosomes called rhine-antenna in the large intestine, which affects the lower parts of the large intestine. After use the Psycho Digest and absorbing it by the digestive system, free active anthraquinones are secreted in the large intestine. Due to the performance of these compounds, the absorption of water and electrolytes from the large intestine decreases and the volume and pressure of the contents of the intestine increases. This mode stimulates the movement of the large intestine and causes ejaculation and exfoliation (Laitinen, 2007).
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Description for resellers
Psycho Digest herbal distilled is a combination of 9 different medicinal plants: Aloysia triphlla, Citrus aurantium, Echium amoenum, Melissa officinalis, Lavandula stoechas, Valeriana officinalis, Viola odorata, Cinnamomum zelanic and Salix alba. All of them have therapeutic properties to treat digestive problem. Psycho Digest has been produced by Parsiteb company.
Each ml of Psycho Digest contains valerat, citronellal, limonene, violet, Sallicin, Linalylacetat, Linalool and cinnamaldehyde (It should be noted that this component is an essential component of these plant that is effective in the treatment of digestive diseases).
Applications of this herbal distilled are following:
Ulcer treatment, anti-inflammatory, anti-crown, treatment for ulcerative colitis, anorexia and constipation treatment.
The early stages of the clinical tests were conducted in a pilot experiment. For this purpose the product was used as a supplement in the diet of patients. So, repeatedly checked the positive effects of the product on patients with digestive problems. The results have shown that in 80% of the people who were considered as clinical community, taking this diet disrupted the symptoms of the disease. The minimum performance of this product for other people has been to prevent the progression of digestive problems.
The usage of this product is 80-100 ml per day and 2 hours before lunch. The best time to use it at the height of thirst (the thirstier patient can absorb the product more). It should be noted that the duration of using Psycho Digest and achieve a complete result depends on the duration of the person's diseases, the presence or absence of other diseases, the age of the patient, the degree of observance and the extent of the disease. In general, for a moderate level of diseases, the period is one month. This product is not recommended for people with constipation.